our production process


our quality standards

In our production process, we want to ensure that the workshops we collaborate with work ethically, share our values and our love of a well-done job. Whether it's our range of textiles or furniture, we're committed to meeting the highest quality standards in the market.

Certifications help to inform us and guide us in our choice of partners.


of our linen products

are european flax certified

All our linen products use European Flax fiber.

This fiber is produced in Western Europe : France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

European Flax certification guarantees environmentally-friendly production & social and ethical responsibility.

- No irrigation - garenteed 99,9% by Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp

- A GMO-free rotary crop

- A carbon sink - storing 400 000 tonnes of CO2 every year

- Zero waste fiber - the enire plant is used and recycles

- 100% mechanical fiber production (scutching)

- 100% plant-based and vegan fiber

- Environmentally-friendly production : a social and ethical responsibility 

Oeko-Tex is a quality label that includes several technical standards designed to certify the sanitary and ecological qualities of textiles and leathers, guaranteeing the absence of toxic products for the body and the environment.

The OEKO-TEX label is only used for non-organic textiles.


of our products are certified

oeko-tex standard 100

Presence of organic fibers



GOTS stands for Global Organic Textile Standard, a label that certifies not only dignified working conditions, but also respect for the environment and a product that does not harm the health of its wearers. 

- Between 70% and 95% certified organic fibers

- Ban on chemicals and GMOs

- Waste minimization

- Wastewater treatment

- Recyclable packaging

- Requirement to implement a policy of social responsibility

- Prohibition on chemicals toxic to health

For the wood in our furniture

The FSC standard guarantees that forest products meet strict standards of environmental, social and economic sustainability. When you choose an FSC-certified product, you support the preservation of forests, the protection of biodiversity and respect for workers' rights.

Our furniture also complies with the CARB 2 standard, which means that our composite wood products emit very little formaldehyde, a harmful gas, ensuring healthier air. We also work with partners committed to environmentally-friendly practices throughout our supply chain.

From design to manufacture, we work to minimize our environmental footprint and promote high standards of corporate social responsibility.

FSC & CARB 2 certifications

for our furniture

SMETA certification for our

workshops in India

SMETA is one of the most widely used ethical audit formats in the world. It compiles best practices in ethical audit techniques. The SMETA methodology uses the ETI code and local legislation as measurement tools. 

It includes four modules : 

- Health & Safety

- Work standards

- Environment

- Business ethics